Advocate for individuals with Down syndrome and their families

Medical Outreach Program

  • Maintain and develop relationships with local medical providers supporting those with Down syndrome.
  • Connecting members with medical providers specializing in caring for those with Down syndrome.

Education Outreach Program

  • Meet with local ISD Special Education Directors to link our services and offerings with their students and families.
  • Attend Greater Lansing Developmental Disabilities Network meetings.
  • Maintain a prescense at information fairs and networking events.

CADSA highly recommends parents learn about the Parent Advisory Committees (PAC) in their school districts.

A Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is comprised of parent representatives from each of the school districts within the county. The committee’s role is to serve as liaisons between parents and the local special education administrator(s) in their resident district as well as to advise the special education administrators at the county level.

CADSA is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people living with Down syndrome so they can reach their full potential and be valued members of our community.

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CADSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID is #55-0821583. Make a donation here.